A lot of people find it scary when their root canal dentist tells them they need a root canal. However, when you understand what it is and how it is treated, you will realize that there is no need to be afraid. 

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal or endodontic therapy is a procedure that is carried out to save or repair a badly decayed tooth or, one that has been severely infected. This procedure is performed by a root canal dentist who removes the nerve and tooth pulp, after which it is then cleaned and sealed. 

The root canal is done to prevent the surrounding tissues of your tooth from getting infected and forming an abscess. Also, it is a term used to describe the cavity at the center of a tooth, with the dental pulp being the soft area in the root canal. The tooth nerve is also within the root canal. 

 Why Would You Need A Root Canal? 

 How do you know that you are in need of a root canal? you know that you need one when the nerve tissue to your dental pulp breaks down. Your dentist or endodontist will likely carry out a root canal procedure to avoid bacteria from multiplying and causing infection, abscess, or other undesirable consequences. 

What Are The Causes Of A Root Canal?

 Your tooth pulp and the nerve can become infected, irritated, and inflamed as a result of deep decay, large fillings, trauma to the face, repeated dental procedures, and a chipped or cracked tooth. All of this could cause you a root canal.:

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of A Root Canal In Teeth? 

Severe Pain

When you have a root canal infection or abscess, pain is the most common sign you experience and it may be associated with swelling in the face, head or neck. There could also be a loss of bone in the area of the affected tooth root. 

You should see your general dentist as soon as possible so that your root canal can be examined to know if you need antibiotics and or root canal therapy. 

There is no need to worry about pain and wonder if they need to put you to sleep for a root canal treatment as the root canal procedure is performed under anesthesia and the tooth pain is typically relieved afterward with a short recovery time. 

Severe tooth decay

A severe tooth decay problem cannot be solved by using a mouthwash, flossing or increasing the number of times you brush. Where a cavity has been overlooked for long, and the tooth root has been damaged, a root canal is a way out.  

Cracked or chipped tooth

Though this is not a symptom of a root canal, it should be noted that having this is a sign that you need root canal therapy because it can cause the root nerve to get exposed and infected. If this is not resolved, it can lead to a root canal infection. 

Sensitivity to Cold Or Heat

This is also a very common sign that you may require root canal therapy. When you experience a dull, sharp, or intense pain when taking a cold or hot drink, damaged blood vessels and nerve endings could be the cause. You need to see a root canal specialist. 

Discolored Tooth

A darkly discolored tooth could be due to poor oral hygiene or taking foods and drinks that stain the tooth and its enamel. However, when this discoloration is caused by damage to the blood vessels and nerves in the dental pulp, it is a sign that you should see your endodontist for a possible root canal therapy.  

Swollen Gum Area

Have a swollen and painful gum with a raised bump examined by your general dentist. A root canal may be needed in some cases when the swelling does not improve. 

What Happens If The Tooth Cavity Is Bleeding?

Your cavity may bleed when you irritate your gum during brushing and your nerves are damaged. A bleeding cavity is not a good sign and what is happening here is that there could be a huge cavity or you have a large part of your tooth broken. 

Also, you may be having gum disease when you continue to have recurrent bleeding. Whatever the case may be, you must see your root canal dentist as you may require emergency root canal therapy or more extensive therapy. 

Why Are Root Canals Performed?

A root canal process is performed to prevent the surrounding tissues of your tooth from getting infected and forming an abscess which could lead to further damage to your tooth. 

Your endodontist carries out this procedure which involves removing the infected and inflamed pulp. He then cleans it and seals the space. Your dentist then places a crown to help restore your tooth to full function. 

Is A Root Canal Necessary In All Cases?

A root canal treatment may not be necessary in all cases as not all cases are the same. When the caries is superficial and your pulp is not yet affected, there is no need for a root canal procedure.

The extent of damage to a tooth determines the treatment option to be adopted by your root canal dentist. 

What is the cost of Root Canal Therapy?

The cost of a root canal varies, however, saving your tooth with a root canal can be said to be cost-effective when compared to the cost of a bridge or an implant. And extraction can cause misaligned teeth, malocclusion, and difficulty in chewing. 

Once the endodontic specialist carries out a root canal for you, a few weeks are needed to achieve full root canal healing from infection and inflammation. Interestingly, root canal therapy is painless, though you will feel minor pain and ache when the effect of the anesthetic wears off. 

Finally, you need to know that the physical symptoms of a root canal infection does not start until the problem is more advanced. This is why you need to see a general dentist regularly to help you treat an infected tooth and prevent a potential root canal. 

In case you need to see a professional root canal dentist in Houston, do well to book yourself an appointment with us at the Urbn dental clinic. Our services include top-notch root canal therapy at an affordable cost as well as many other professional dental services.


A root canal therapy is performed by a root canal dentist to repair and save a badly decayed or infected tooth. It involves removing the dental pulp followed by cleaning and sealing it.

The root canal is the cavity that is at the center of a tooth wherein the dental pulp lies and tooth nerve and the causes of a root canal infection include face trauma, large fillings deep decay, and repeated dental procedures.

Having a root canal infection presents with severe pain and tooth decay, sensitivity to cold and or hot drinks, discolored tooth, and swollen gum just to mention a few. Also, you should have a bleeding tooth cavity examined by a root canal dentist as it may require an emergency root canal treatment. However, not all cases of root canal infections require a root canal procedure as they are not all the same.

As for the cost of root canal therapy,  it can be said to be pocket-friendly when compared to other tooth-saving procedures. Also, root canal therapy stops bacteria from multiplying, forming an abscess, and causing further damage to the oral cavity. Because the symptoms of a root canal infection do not manifest until the case is advanced, regularly visiting the dentist can help with early detection and treatment.